H&T Presspart partners with OzUK on MDI development services
Device maker H&T Presspart has partnered with CRO OzUK in order to offer complete development services for metered dose inhalers to H&T Presspart customers. OzUK, which specializes in MDIs and other liquid-based OINDPs, will provide formulation and testing services in conjunction with delivery device development services offered out of H&T Presspart’s Inhalation Product Technology Centre (IPTC).
Together, the companies will offer complete services for development of both innovator and generic MDIs, including services for formulations using new lower global warming potential (GWP) propellants. H&T Presspart recently opened a new laboratory scale lower-GWP MDI filling facility at the IPTC that has capabilities for filling both HFA 152a and HFO 1234ze. OzUK also has filling capabilities for the new lower-GWP propellants and can arrange manufacture of clinical trial supplies.
H&T Presspart Business Development Manager Jackie Green commented, “We are excited about this partnership as the market leader in respiratory drug delivery components and devices we always want to ensure we offer the best services to our customers that meet their needs. With a rapidly changing MDI landscape from generic MDIs through to transitioning current product portfolios to low GWP propellants, our partnership with OzUK will ensure we offer our customers the expertise in formulation development, in-vitro and analytical testing and device development to support their future projects.”
OzUK Director David Lewis said, “OzUK aims to support customers in developing MDIs to the highest standards so it was only natural that we partnered with H&T Presspart as the market leading manufacturer of MDI components to ensure our customers receive a world class service and product.”